Water Balloons, Popcorn, and Books

Water Balloons, Popcorn, and Books

Summer is nearly here. My son waves Kindergarten goodbye this Friday at noon, so naturally, I hit up Costco for water balloons and popcorn like I’m Superwoman or something. I shall not only endure but enjoy this summer with water balloons, sweet ‘n’...
Not My Will

Not My Will

Guest Post by Meghan Ryan So I’ve been hearing the same thing everywhere I go the last few weeks: not my will, but Yours be done (Luke 22:42). Okay, I know what that means. It doesn’t take some profound theology to understand that I need to surrender my plans, my...
How Will You Spend Your Summer?

How Will You Spend Your Summer?

The sun peaks through the clouds to signal signs of summer. Before not too long, those of us with school-age children will have 10 weeks of kids at home 24/7. In no time at all, we’ll welcome backyard BBQs, iced coffees, and hikes. It’s magical. With just...