Won’t He Do It

Won’t He Do It

Some of us don’t chase after our dreams like an Olympic runner who hears the starting gun at the summer games. For some of us, we are forced to pursue new dreams when what we wanted never came, was taken, or lost. When Mr. Right didn’t show up at our door, when the...
Remember the Good Ol’ Days!

Remember the Good Ol’ Days!

I am one to fall prey to discouragement if I don’t see things moving along at a peppy pace, but I am missing out in big ways if I don’t savor the days I’m living in now. Both the good and bad days have something to teach us, proving that we are alive and trotting...
Thank You For Being A Friend

Thank You For Being A Friend

A dear friend of mine with her own dreams, haters, challenges, and ups and downs has been a safe place to me for quite some time. We’ve nurtured our friendship with honesty, vulnerability, laughter, and prayer. When I’m on struggle street, she’s often the first woman...