Why Women Are Studying the Bible All Wrong
Last week I was sitting among women who felt guilt because they didn’t study the Bible the way they felt they should, some even saying how she just wished she could spend that solid hour in the morning to start her day off right with her Bible, Bible study book, journal, and hot cup of coffee. I get it. We would all be better off with that good hour waking up in the fives to get some time with the Lord. I had days like that and for some of you that is your modus operandi, and to you, I APPLAUD you. YOU DO YOU BOO BOO!

For the rest of us we have got to stop beating ourselves up. We want know Jesus, know his word, and love others. There are so many ways to see that play out in our lives.

First things first, we gotta shake off that guilt. Guilt separates us from the love of God. We need that love, it changes us to our core, making us who we were always intended to be.

Now, as we shake off the guilt let’s talk about some ways to connect to Jesus in addition to said Bible study with hot coffee.

Have an app. There are handy Bible study apps that can really help you study and apply the scriptures. If you have a smart phone you can scroll and sample studies on YouVersion Bible App or check out my favorite, She Reads Truth. I have been a big fan of their Bible studies and pop it open nearly every day to read the selected scriptures, process the application, and meditate on it throughout the day.

Worship. There is nothing like pushing play, meditating on a scripture that is particularly poignant and praising Jesus for who he is, what he has done, and petitioning your prayers before him. This can happen on your commute, while your kids play, on a walk, you name it.

Want to read 10 chapters a day? Awesome. Want to read one verse a day? Awesome. Get yourself in his Word whether it’s an hour or 15 minutes. Too often we put rules on how it should look that we don’t do it all. Our souls can’t afford to skip it so it makes sense to find a way that works with your season, personality, and passion.

Journal it. I feel most connected to Jesus and most like myself when I journal. As the pen moves across the page I stumble upon truths as I pour out my heart to him. I journal my response to scriptures, what they mean to me, and what they mean for the brokenness I see in me and the world around me.

Talk to him. If we are in relationship with him all we have to do is talk, honest open talk. It might be through tears as we stand in the shower, it might be screaming at the top of our lungs in the car, or it might be ordinary moments in the kitchen turned sacred where we share our bleeding hearts.

At the end of the day we’ll get what we put into this. If we are longing to know the scriptures, apply them to our lives, and bask in the presence of Jesus then we have to do just that.

I’m with you, juggling a billion things and hungry for our sweet Jesus. However we choose to connect is beautiful.

No more guilt, a lot more Jesus.

For more on this topic, check out the best place to find Jesus or why all you really need is Jesus and coffee.

tiffany bluhm, end of womens bible study