Finally, that bambino I’ve been waiting for is here! I’ve registered for what I thought I needed and still find myself scrambling to Target to get what I now know is really what I need. Most of the items I consider essentials were new to me. While many find creative baby items excessive I have found a few to be sanity savers.

While there are a billion baby items on the market there are a few I found that I can’t live without.

1. The WindiThe Windi is a Swedish product that acts as a baby catheter to release trapped gas. Gas drops didn’t work at all for us, and often when the gas is the worst its so deep in the intestines that gas drops won’t take the edge off, or even come close to complete gas relief. The Windi has saved us from sleepless nights when our sweet baby just couldn’t manage passing gas on his own. He goes from screaming to smiling within a matter of seconds when we’ve used the Windi.


2. NosefridaThe Nosefrida, same makers who brought us the Windi, is a manual nasal aspirator that works like a charm. You can suck the snot right out of your little’s nose with your own hot air. A filter stands between you and your little one’s nose as you give them relief from a clogged nasal passages.


3. Arm and Hammer Diaper Bags. These puppies are gold when you have a dirty diaper and not a single place to dispose of it. You can pop the diaper in the bag and toss it when you have a chance. Also, when your baby decides to blow his pants while on the go these bags make for a handy hazmat bag for junior’s soiled outfit.

arm and hammer diaper bags

4. Coconut Oil.  My baby’s skin is sensitive, like so many tots, and most creams on the market are chock full of chemicals. I’ve found coconut oil makes the best diaper rash cream and is void of the plethora of chemicals that you find in most baby bum creams. If my kiddo’s rump starts to show signs of a rash I coat it right up with coconut oil and within about a day it clears. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, making it a great alternative to even the best baby creams. In addition to my little one I use it on the rest of his baby when his skin is getting dry. He has had a reaction to every lotion and oil I’ve tried except coconut oil. Coconut oil for the win!

coconut oil

5. Manual Breast Pump. If you plan on breastfeeding and pumping I highly recommend purchasing a manual pump. I have a double electric pump I use at work, but late at night or early in the morning its great to grab the manual pump without all the hassle of strapping on the double pump.

manual breast pump

6. Portable White Noise Machine. If you are on the go and your newborn prefers some white noise, it is an asset to have a portable white noise machine. While my four year old sings his songs right next to the baby in the confines of a car it is a lifesaver to have the portable white noise machine tucked in his car seat to drown out the big brother. Besides the car it is just plan handy to have no matter where you are at.

portable white noise machine

7. Muslin Swaddle Blanket. At first glance these animal print blankets seem simple but they are simply fabulous and versatile. I use them for swaddling, but I also use them for a sheer cover over the car seat, as they are the perfect size, and for a nursing cover. I have one in the diaper bag, in the car, and a few around the house. They are the best swaddle blanket/car seat cover/nursing cover ever!

muslin swaddle blanket

8. Baby Nasal Saline. My newborn is so full of snot. Who knew someone so small could have so much snot! While the Nosefrida sucks out the snot the nasal saline moistens the nasal passages for easier breathing. It isn’t habit forming and completely safe for babies. I often use it before we put our little guy to bed and it has helped him sleep much better.


baby nasal saline

9. Baby Ear Muffs. I’m not taking my baby to rock concerts but I am taking my baby to church. The music is great for my ears but can be a bit much for his. These baby ear muffs give me the peace of mind that my kiddo’s ear drums won’t be blown as the beat goes on! Anytime you can anticipate loud sounds that might startle or overstimulate your baby these are a great way to avoid the boom!


baby ear muffs

10. Velcro Swaddle Blanket. Get one. Just do it. While I know some babies enjoy a hands free sleeping experience my baby sleeps well when he is tightly swaddled, and we hit the jackpot when we switched from a sleep sack to a velcro swaddle blanket. At night they are easy to get on and off while still trying to keep baby as asleep as possible during feedings or diaper changes.


velcro swaddle blanket