Little Ones and Long Lost Friendships

Little Ones and Long Lost Friendships

I’ve found that’s its significantly difficult to regularly keep up with friends that I used to. Play dates can be had, but to actually finish a conversation detailing how each other is doing is hard to come by. Dare I even mention developing new friendships unless...
Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites

1. I have been trolling Pinterest for a good superfood bowl and this Spicy BBQ Chickpea and Polenta Bowl from Half Baked Harvest proved to be so delicious. We made it last week and I had it two meals in a row since it was so tasty. We didn’t end up making our...
Adoption Day

Adoption Day

We celebrated two years as a family on April 1st. I can’t believe it’s been two years since we first met, cried, laughed, and cried some more. It has been the sweetest two years. I decided last year that every year I would write him a letter on his...
A Case of the Mama Mondays

A Case of the Mama Mondays

  Sometimes I have a case of the Monday blues. Not your, “I can’t believe I am at work, how did the weekend go by so fast” Mondays, but the kind where you find yourself sleep deprived, questioning your ability to take care of a home, or wondering if...