I didn’t see it coming but it happened. After 40 hours of labor and only dilated to 4 cm we decided that I would go under the knife to get our sweet baby boy out. They were going to rip him out of me. To be honest, after 40 hours of exhaustion and excitement I started to laugh and smile knowing it would be over in an hour’s time. I was looking rough and insisted my friend spruce me up with some blush and mascara for the bright lights of the operating room. As soon as they wheeled me in I was so relaxed and missed the whole thing as I snoozed right through it all. Not before vomiting all over myself and having it run down my chin but whatever, no shame in delivery they say! An hour later I vaguely remember seeing a plump little baby beside me that they convinced me was mine.

This is so not the natural birth I was shooting for but I STILL GOT A BABY OUT!

This is so not the natural birth I was shooting for but I STILL GOT A BABY OUT!

With percocet readily available (in appropriate doses) I was sent to the recovery floor for two days. I was in the hospital for a total of 4 days and eager to get back home and start life as a family of four

Once I was home,  there was a few things that aided in my recovery from a caesarean section.

1. Medical Grade Binder. I was sent home with a binder and I wore it for about two weeks. After that I transitioned to compression undergarments that were lifesavers. It is painful to have a bare stomach after a c-section. You will feel like your guts are about to fall out of your incision. Wear a binder, thank me later.

2. Water. Sounds simple but staying hydrated is key to recovery. Your muscles and body need it and its great for your milk supply and energy level. I used a water bottle with measurement marks on it to keep track. Shoot for at least 8 cups a day.

3. Co-Sleeper. I had this cute little bassinet all ready to go in our room and it last for two days because I couldn’t sit up to lift my baby out of it. You can hardly sit up on your own for a few weeks so an arm’s reach co-sleeper is the way to go. It hugs the side of your bed and you can roll over and grab the baby in your arms without the bending necessary with a bassinet.

4. Ibeprofun. I kicked the percocet after about 10 days as it was making my little guy so sleepy. I chose ibuprofen as many docs and midwives will recommend, but the important part is staying on top of your meds. Don’t miss a beat or your stomach will remind you that it was cut wide open and it still hurts bad, real bad.

5. Help. Ask for it. I was so grateful to have Derek and friends take care of me. Remember, you can’t do this alone and don’t try. Recruit help from friends and family, even if it’s out of your comfort zone. I get it, it’s humbling but you need it. Your body is desperate to heal and your baby needs you as rested as possible. Having someone to help you up, help with cleaning, and help with meals is a must.