Take It From the Girl Who Puked At Work

Take It From the Girl Who Puked At Work

Take it from a girl who once hid in the bathroom and puked at work because of anxiety. I get it. I do. You have a plan, a rough estimation of how things will work out if you pursue your dreams, but you find yourself debilitated by fear. You just can’t start. You’ve...
We Can Write History

We Can Write History

Since the fifties, women have risen to places of power, influence, and leadership in unprecedented ways—especially in the West. While their stories aren’t necessarily the dominant narrative of our history books, there have been women who have stepped up with strong...
That Proverbs 31 Woman Tho

That Proverbs 31 Woman Tho

Every time I read Proverbs 31, this picture of a woman who vigorously works, creates, and perfects her passion encourages my heart and mind. While I have zero plans to spin wool or plant a vineyard, I admire her guts and grace. These verses are not meant to be a...
The BOTH/AND of Christmas

The BOTH/AND of Christmas

This blog originally posted on Dec. 8, 2017. It is nearly impossible to escape the heaviness of our time. Fires in California. Shootings. Famine. Wars. Slavery. Hurricanes. Rampant sexual abuse. It is all so much. After the kids go down to bed, I scroll through...
That One Time I Was A Culinary Arsonist

That One Time I Was A Culinary Arsonist

Many moons ago as a baby-faced newlywed, I stood over the worn stove in the tiniest kitchen of our five-hundred-square foot apartment and chipped off burnt mashed potatoes from the bottom of our shiny new pots. Unbeknownst to me, at the very same time I allowed thick,...