Why All You Really Need is Jesus and Coffee

Have you ever felt pulled in too many different directions? Feeling like you can’t do it all? Have you ever wanted to plop down on your couch and stare into space for an hour… or two? Chances are you have felt this way. This is my day today. Kids + dirty floor + a million different things to get done that are completely unrelated+ a tired mama = its 2:36 PM and I’ve done one of those million things and it wasn’t cleaning the floor. In these moments I’m reminded all I need is a little coffee and Jesus.

Since it’s National Coffee Day I thought it fitting to confess my love for the dark nectar, which by the way I never had such a deep affection for until 2 kids, hear me now, 2 kids. With one kid I was a casual coffee drinker. Two kids made me dependent, downright dependent on the stuff.

learn how to mom coffee cup

More than coffee I love that no matter what I can call on Jesus. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and forget to simply whisper the name that in itself represents peace, grace, mercy, truth, and countless promises for our good and growth. He says time and time again, “call to me…” That’s all I have to do. Just a minute with him can change everything. My floors are still dirty but I’m a different woman and definitely a more peaceful mama.

When the going gets tough, mama, slurp the yummy drink and call on Jesus. Works every time. Don’t go a day without leaning on him. He longs to be with you, meet you in your most frazzled moment, and remind you of your strength and calling to love and live exactly as he planned.

For more on this topic check out why women are studying the Bible all wrong and the best place to find Jesus.