You get one whack at the story of your life. It’s short. You may think you have all this time, but that’s ridiculous. You don’t. You absolutely don’t. I feel like I blinked and I went from a single girl eating take out with friends night after night to celebrating my 6th wedding anniversary and waking up to two kids in my house everyday. Fast, that went by really fast. The days may seem long but the months and years zoom by.

The early days before vows, a mortgage and children.

The early days before vows, a mortgage and children.

Life will not slow down. I’ll always have something to do, root for, or someone to care for. At the busiest season of life I’ve decided to step back, listen, and heed the call I’m sensing over my life. It’s not what I expected, but at the same time exactly what I expected. All the aspirations and dreams that beat loudly in my soul ten years ago are still there, waiting patiently for their turn, their time. I know it will take discipline, time, and intention. I have those to give.

Life is fast and it’s so easy to talk yourself out of good ideas, great intentions, and audacious dreams but you know what, as a creative, I’m not working in a supply and demand market. I’m dancing to the beat of my own drum, a drum that I like. If I don’t dance to it, who will?

So I say to you, mama, if you are a creative then create, if you are a dancer then dance, if you have a dream burning inside of you and know you have you have what it takes then hustle when you know you can without losing out on the sweet season you are savoring with your kids. This is your life, your adventure, your legacy. Do it, whatever it is.