I can’t take it anymore. I’m tender. In the past few weeks my heart has ached over atrocities that are far too much for the human heart to bear. A few of you may have seen on Facebook a post I shared on my wall about a blogger who was viciously attacked by white supremacists over her two adopted black sons on Twitter and YouTube. The words spoken over her children kept me up praying for her, her husband, and their precious children. Reading those tweets was my breaking point. It was the proverbial cherry on top after reading more of local domestic violence, unfair treatment of women in India, and the list goes on and on and on. Previous to staying home with boys I worked in local outreach ministry and was regularly engaging in social issues. While my days look different now my heart remains in prayer over the broken systems and those affected by injustice.

While pondering it all from Syrian refugees to inmates to homeless moms and babies, I was in the middle of planning a baby shower for a dear friend. She is about to have a little girl. At her shower she shared her journey of becoming a mom, loss along the way, and God’s faithfulness and goodness weaved throughout her pain. This darling woman is passionate about serving women and everyone in attendance had been abundantly blessed by her friendship. Before the shower began I felt prompted to wash her feet. John 13 echoed in my soul, Jesus washing the disciples feet and asking us to do the same. In a world where hate and evil reign I believeĀ it is our role as women following Jesus to love deeply, love honestly, love with a pure and fierce love. We bring heaven to earth when we love Christ, love each other, and those at arm’s length well.

I was encouraged to hear Jen Hatmaker at the IF:Gathering share of what it means to love the broken and when you do such a crazy thing you find yourself living the most fulfilled life you ever thought imaginable. That’s love, providing a wild and beautiful life.

All I can do is love well. All you can do is love well. We can’t go on with some kind of quiet love that ignores the brokenness that is around EVER CORNER. No, we have to go all out guns blazing loving the least, the worst off, and the far from Christ. I am sick of the nasty, unthinkable yuck filling up my feeds. Jesus help us all. We need him so desperately. May we not grow numb to the bruises of our world but tender. May our tenderness move us to love, crazy love.



P.S. My husband witnessed this breakdown and felt the need to share these with me. They proved to be just a little pick me up. I think you’ll like them too.

tiffany bluhm

I absolutely died when I read this. Soooooo funny!