No matter who you are, no matter your experiences, whether you feel validated or not, I want you to know that the God of the galaxies loves you. He cares for you. Every tear you’ve cried, every moment you’ve felt trapped in your circumstances, is not lost on Him. He is near to the broken-hearted, the left behind, and the voiceless.

To the woman who hasn’t told a single soul she had an abortion, you are loved and cherished by the God of all.

To the woman who feels like her addiction will have the final say in her life, may the love and grace of Jesus meet you in your darkest hour.

To the woman trapped in an abusive relationship with no feasible escape, may the God of Heaven draw near, protect you, and lead you to health and wholeness.

I won’t cease to pray for you, dear reader. You are precious in His sight. You hold value and worth, more than the world will ever recognize.

I weep with you, sister.

I stand with you, sister.