I’m serious. He totally did. He ate out of the garbage. The director of his pre-school pulled my husband aside when he was picking him up to share the unfortunate news. He would dumpster dive only after his classmates tossed their uneaten snack bars and fruit chews. Then, like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse, he fished around for the goods. That was Monday’s news, a great way to start the week. Even more troubling was that this wasn’t the first time. He was a repeat offender. Before you think I make him eat beets and haggis in his lunch know that this kid picks what he wants in his lunch. Then of course refuses to eat it and finds other’s lunches so much more appetizing. I’m not sure which is worse, him dumpster diving or throwing away organic raspberries. Verdict is out on that one.



My new approach is treat him with “all natural” cheetos once he gets home if he has eaten his lunch. It worked. Twice. In my frustration I texted Jaja (she’s the wise sage in my tribe and the one I tell all of the stuff I’d rather not tell to anyone else’s face) and she assured me I’m giving a gift of healthy eating to my son and he won’t recognize it just yet but it’s a gift nonetheless. She then went on to say something that gave me a fresh perspective. She wrote, “don’t let him believe you withhold good things from him. It’s the sin of Adam, going after what he isn’t suppose to have.” We’ve made the choice to give him the best of what we deem fit. There is a bounty we choose to give him but I am more aware than ever it needs to be in a language and way that makes sense to his 4 year old soul. So yep, we are sticking to our no crap junk food plan but with some creativity and time spent in the kitchen we’ll emerge with something edible and appetizing to a sugar hangry four year old.