My son stabbed the nanny with a plastic screwdriver. She was holding the baby and he was craving some attention and decided the best way to get it was to stab her. Being the saint, I mean saint, that she is she relayed the incident and let me know that he was feeling a little jealous of his baby brother and maybe needed some mama time. After he was disciplined I felt inclined to spend some one on one time with him. I scooped him up and we went to his current favorite restaurant, Chipotle.

A date with my little one was what he needed. Our children thrive in our affectionate and encouraging presence, they dance in the freedom and peace we provide. I know this and at each turn my son’s needs look different. As we ate he told me how he’d like me to get a minivan and how the cha cha slide is his favorite dance. He told me how it’s hard being a big brother, but he loves his baby brother so much. He told me how he loves his family and he will remember he’s loved all the time, whether he makes good choices or bad. He told me I was the prettiest girl in the world, especially when I wear make up. It was sweet lunch that ended with him chasing the birds and asking everyone if they were having a good day. I love my Jericho Lincoln and his spunky yet tender soul.

african american boy eating

He could eat those chicken quesadillas all day long.

Jericho needed some time with me and I did’t realize how much I needed time with just him. When you have more than one kid you can go quite awhile without having time one on one. We both drove away with full bellies and refreshed in each other’s company.

We feel most alive when were are being and doing exactly what was destined of us. In the moments talking about the cha cha slide with my four year old I feel alive, and so does he.

why children need parents to take them on a date