Rocking chairOne of my favorite places in Kingston’s room is the rocking chair. It doesn’t match the rest of his black, white, and gold accents. I ran out of time and energy to spiff it up and it sits there, a hand-me-down old fashioned oak rocking chair. It’s not too comfy  but I don’t mind. It’s become a sacred place. A place to cry, from both lack of sleep and gratitude for being a mama to sweet baby Kingston and also, a place to reflect, on how good God has been to my little family of four, and how incredible it is to witness two little lives that I couldn’t imagine even in my wildest of dreams. Parenting truly has been sweeter than I thought it could be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not cupcakes and fruit roll ups all the time, but my gosh it really provides some of the most heavenly moments I’ll ever witness.

Since I cozy up in the rocking chair a few times a day, I have come to look forward to it. I know what happens there. While Kingston’s naps are unpredictable that chair is not. It waits for me day after day to snuggle my baby, whisper lullabies and prayers, and breathe deep. As we rock back and forth, Kingston forfeits wiggling and falls into his nap time slumber. Sometimes I consider staying cozy in the rocking chair rather than slipping him into his crib. These days won’t last forever, the days of rocking chairs, lullabies, and sweet slumber. Before I know it I’ll move out the beloved chair and crib to make room for a new season of life. For now, I’ll rock the baby, whisper over him prayers of strength, courage, and peace. I’ll tuck into my heart every smile and babbly coo I possibly can. All here, all now, in this rocking chair.