Was our Lord really born to a teenage girl? A unmarried young woman? What? I can’t even believe it sometimes. She is my #WCW for sure. I think of Mary more and more each year now that I’m a mama. While nursing and rocking my curly haired baby to bed I held his chubby fingers thinking how wild it was that the most powerful and most holy One would start out as an innocent baby. A baby who needed his diaper changed, a baby who was teething, a baby who was learning to crawl and wobbled as he walked. The One who would save my soul came as a baby fully indulging in humanity.

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The people of the day chalked it up to a scandal but in reality it was our saving grace, Emmanuel, God with us. Mary, a young woman who would raise the King of the Heaven, just a mom, like so many of us, laboring every day to love her babies, give them every good thing, and delight in them.

This Christmas I’m choosing to delight in my babies and know the King delights in me.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours. May it be full of joy, peace, and overcome with saving grace.