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Lukewarm Coffee and Dirty Dishes

Lukewarm Coffee and Dirty Dishes

Lukewarm coffee, dirty dishes in the sink, toys littering the ground, a floor that needs swept, these are days collecting in my heart that I don’t despise. I laugh at their consistency but I certainly do not wish them away. At home, yet again, with a sick kid in...
Say My Name

Say My Name

My sweet little baby said my name! Now I gather that this may just be him stringing random sounds together and he may have no idea their bearing but HE SAID MY NAME. Mama. Forever and always I will be.
Mother’s Day Reflections

Mother’s Day Reflections

Mother’s Day forces mothers everywhere to check their gut on how they parent and their journey to motherhood. I am no different. I woke up on Sunday morning reflecting on what makes me a mama to my boys. In August of 2011, we had no idea the adventure that...