White People Are Happier

White People Are Happier

  When I was in the third grade a new girl transferred to our two room schoolhouse. She had strawberry blonde hair and dimples. She became instantly popular out of the 7 third graders in the class. I was eager to be her friend and would often ask her to play on...
Together Again

Together Again

Sweet friends are visiting from Denver and they are the kind where you can pick up right where you left off. We met them while in Uganda adopting Jericho. They were adopting a little one as well. We were both young, adopting before biological kids, and found solace in...
I Have A Five Year Old

I Have A Five Year Old

For real, I have a five year old. Time has flown by since we became a family when he was 2 1/2 and it’s been so sweet. I wouldn’t trade it for the world and I am overjoyed we made the choice to adopt first. For those considering adopting before having...